Tuesday 13 July 2021

HideAZ Anonymize Link Script

Home HideAZ


Google - Yahoo - eBay - myspace.net - Craigslist - HideAZ

Html Code:

<a href="https://www.google.com">Google</a> -
<a href="https://www.yahoo.com">Yahoo</a> -
<a href="https://www.ebay.com">eBay</a> -
<a href="https://www.myspace.net">myspace.net</a> -
<a href="http://www.Craigslist.org">Craigslist</a> -
<a href="https://www.ebay.com/usr/teeabcd">HideAZ</a>
<!--script at the end of the page-->
<script type="text/javascript"> var exclude_domains = ['www.yahoo.com', 'www.ebay.com']; </script> <script src="//hideaz.com/css.js/links.js"></script>
<!--script at the end of the page-->


All you need to do is embedded the code at the bottom of the website. It redirects all the links via HideAZ.com - except for the sites that were included in the protected_links tag. In vBulletin, for example, you can include the script code in the footer of the global templates (Styles&Templates - Global templates - Footer). In Wordpress, use the footer.php. Since the script can only anonymize links that have already been loaded at runtime, it's a good idea to place the code as close to the end as possible. Otherwise, links that appear after the script code would not be redirected via HideAZ.com.

Privacy protect your website.

Minimize your digital footprint by hiding your referrer when linking to external websites with the masked url below.
